Guatemala is a Central American country which is gathering its wits after 30 years of a devastating civil war. Its volatile topography is a mountainous and forested jumble of volcanoes and jungles.
Objectives: Identify the problems and challenges the people of Guatemala are facing. Understanding and comprehension can be monitored using the worksheet attached. Explore current Peace Corp Projects Explore the cultural heritage of Guatemala Develop ideas on how student can contribute to the cause. E-mail a friend about how they can help. Have the students write paragraphs designed to promote tourism to Guatemala. Encourage students to include vivid language and colorful details to get their audience interested. Website: Objective: Lesson Plan:Teacher can read articles attached to spark interest in the two most recent natural disasters in Guatemala. Students will take a self guided tour of the site After the students tour the Peace Corp site they need to decide on a project the class can do to aid or increase the awareness of the need for aid in the Country of Guatemala.
(Like most countries around the world, Guatemala uses the metric system.)
Objectives: Compare distances of the cities above by creating a bar graph. Have students research earthquakes/volcanoes around the world and create a chart. Draw a line plot graph of these activities. Discuss relatedness.
Objectives: Research the natural resources of Guatemala. Reproduce a map of the country and illustrate the location of it’s natural resources. Website: www.muskingum.edu/~csun/lessonplan.html
Objectives: Part I Student Activities: Part II Student Activities: Terms:
Resources: Internet, National Geographics, Discover Science, Encarta, Compton’s Encyclopedia, Newspaper Archives. Question: Is there a relationship between locations that experience high seismic activity and areas of high volcanic activity? Agriculture is Guatemala’s most important industry. Assign students the task of reporting on the various steps in the production of one of the country’s chief crops. They are as follows: coffee, bananas, cotton, sugar cardamon, and corn. GEOGRAPHY Go to the site below on the Internet: 1) What natural disasters have occurred in Guatemala in the past 5 years? || A Class Act Home Page || Lesson Plans || Resources || |
Please visit the current Rice School website at http://es.houstonisd.org/rice | |
Questions and comments can be directed to Dana Gabrovsek : Webspinner Date Created: 9/18/99 Modified:5/2002 |
The Rice School/La Escuela Rice / HISD
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