Photo Gallery


Welcome to our Photo Gallery.  The menu below contains a partial listing of all photos taken by our explorers on their expeditions around the world.  Some of the photos can also be viewed on the links to the particular expedition photo page, however, this menu will contain all of the photos taken and not available for viewing elsewhere on our web.  


If you would like to obtain a larger version of any of these photos for use in your classrooms, please use the email link at the bottom of the page to request a copy from us.  Make sure to give us the name of the photo you wish to have.  

You can even send a photo to a friend as a postcard.  Use the same email link below, just provide us with your friend's email address and the message you what us to place on the postcard. 

This page is still under construction.  Please bear with us if you find any errors.  Thank you.


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