The World of Wonders Project
An Around-the-World Expedition
The World of Wonders Project features a series of Expeditions that will take us on a driving adventure around-the-world. We started in October 2004 and completed a comprehensive driving tour through Mexico, Central America and South America. From Colombia we shipped our expedition vehicle to New Zealand and Australia where we completed a year long expedition of these two great countries. Upon returning to the United States in 2008, we are completing our plans to travel across West Africa to Europe, then through Eastern Europe and Asia to complete the World of Wonders Project. The Expeditions function as adventurous learning and motivational tools. Each takes students and teachers to new places around the globe. You are all on-line participants in the journeys and are encouraged to communicate and interact with the expedition members via satellite email as well as with other students and teachers in the places explored. By learning about other cultures, students will: The understanding of culture facilitates living with and understanding others of different backgrounds—within the classroom, in the local community, and on the worldwide scale of political, social, and economic interaction. |
In forming Adventure Learning Foundation, our goal was to interest children and adults in learning about cultures different from their own. As the world grows smaller through mass media and the use of the computer, it is imperative that we all learn to understand and appreciate each other.
While we may not all be the same, our differences are not as great as the desires and ideals we share. Our differences can be causes for celebration. Mutual respect is a result of the desire to learn about each other. Ultimately our desire is for children and adults to aspire to traveling and meeting people from other cultures personally. We have found from our travels that once we have visited a place, we care about the place and the people more; the place is no longer just a name in a newspaper. The people have become part of our global family. |
Everyone has a culture. It shapes how we see the world, ourselves, and others. • Some aspects of culture are very easy to see, while others are definitely more difficult to perceive. However, they all influence behavior and cause us to act the way we do. • Understanding someone from another culture can be a challenge. People really do see the world in fundamentally different ways. People behave as they do because of the things they believe in and value. • It’s easy to misinterpret things people do in a cross-cultural setting. To keep from misunderstanding the behavior of others, we have to try to see the world from their point of view, not ours. • Crossing cultures isn’t easy. It’s a complex process in which understanding the context is everything. • Understanding and respecting cultural differences can lead to greater harmony in school, the community, and the world. Adventure Learning Foundation will help expand your thinking about the world beyond the classroom boundary.
Individual Development and Identity (NCSS Theme IV) Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of individual development and identity so that the learner can: Global Connections (NCSS Theme IX) Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of global connections and interdependence so that the learner can: National Geography Standards The geographically informed person knows and understands: Human Systems (Essential Element IV) The geographically informed person knows and understands: From: Building Bridges A Peace Corps Classroom Guide to Cross-Cultural Understanding |
We welcome you to The World of Wonders Project. Please take a minute to register so that we can keep you up-to-date on the Project and the status of the Expeditions. Registration is free, private and holds no obligations. Join the Project NOW. I want to Register!
There is much work and expenses that are incurred in researching and conducting these expeditions and with your help we can make this project a lasting historical and informative place for people to learn and enjoy about the people who add so much to our world experience.
Your donation will help to continue the research, documentation and Virtual Classroom web site presentation of these wonderful cultures and experiences to the broadest possible audience. To find out how you can help, please follow this link to our Helping Hand page. Thank you, now it's time to explore! Follow this link to The Mexico Expedition.
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